събота, 6 август 2011 г.

the mechanisms of both communism and capitalism

1.      Primitive Privatism [`primitiv `praiva`tizm]

The nature, or the mechanics, the mechanism, of Primitive Privatism is thoroughly complex. It is realized through the oppositions of primitiveness and perfection; primitiveness being typical of any mechanism that is primary and able to make the wheel go round; and perfection, paradoxically worked out by primitiveness for bringing total destruction to society. So long as Primitive means belonging to the first, or beginning, it comes to determine crudeness here, or a loss of culture, or a civilization to misunderstand. Privatism is really special, as far as it means Private. And is a mechanism – of forbidding and depriving. Derived from Private and Privative, Privatism stands for Taboo itself. Or means “withdrawn from public use”. Indicates loss, negative. Privatism turns to be the instrument for or the way of depriving, as the Ism in the word implies. The causer and the doer of privation, or deprivation. A closed door is the least Primitive Privatism means; a restriction, something that narrows one’s abilities; a limit to rightness on the earth by turning “justice for all” into “justice for several”  by, for example, meaning “shame on the public” instead of “withdrawn from public use by force” in the place of “the private property”, while namely restricting it in - to the hands of the several. Totalitarism cannot, does not stand for Primitive Privatism. Totalitarism comes in consequence of the invention of Primitive Privatism. Totalitarism does never consist of but always consists in Primitive Privatism.

As a mechanism, Primitive Privatism displays a totally destructive power that respects no bounds. Being bonds itself, Primitive Privatism resembles Fascism. Yet as a concept, Primitive Privatism comes to mean and define Communism, regarding Totalitarism as the euphemism of Communism.

Primitive Privatism is a mechanism of dictatorship, created in and creating the reigns of Communism by obsessing totally, and thus concentrating by vehemence, the private property, belonging to the individuals in a society, into the hands of several only, chosen out from among the lowest levels of the very society.  


As the best perfected form of both PROPREJUDED or PROUPREJUDED [pro`predzudid], PROPREDGED [pro`predzd] has its roots in PRIDE and PROUD, PROUD being one of the forms of PRIDE, or its adjective, in fact, and in PREJUDICE.

If the history of the word is to be traced back over a definite period of time, a rather spontaneous conclusion may occur, according to which PROPREDGED may be referred to as one of all those forms and synonyms of PRIDE and mean PROUD, HAUGHTY or VAIN, interpreted as a manner, attitude or appearance according to the circumstances, in spite of it being typical of the so-called “eccentric individual word-formation or invention” as a phenomenon.

Indeed, PROPREDGED is comparable with PRIDE and PROUD when they mean the feeling of a person who is keenly aware of his or her own excellence or superiority. The other root of the word, PREJUDICE, gives a base for such a comparison, too, meaning BIAS and PARTIALITY, a peculiar individual’s inclination.
Here comes one of the main differences, though, bringing a more profound and basic conclusion. If PRIDE is a sin or vice in its “UNJUSTIFIED” interpretation and is the antithesis of HUMILITY, and if it is a virtue or at least highly pardonable feeling, the antithesis of SHAME, and in its “JUSTIFIED” interpretation gives one rightful gratification, PROPREDGED acquires an “unjustified” interpretation in its “justified” state, because it comes to mean the quality of a person who is excessively aware of his or her past, which does not manifest the proper person’s self-respect, but the person’s inability to forget his or her autobiography and consider things equal – a wide-spread phenomenon nowadays, which is more likely to define ALIENATION and ISOLATION, and mean them.